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    Risky business: states that reopen economies during pandemic provide nine crisis management lessons for corporations and organizations

    Crisis management expert and author Edward Segal, writing in an article posted on, said decisions by state governments about reopening their economies in the middle of the pandemic provide nine important lessons on the best and worst ways for companies and organizations to recover from this or any crisis.

    Segal said the lessons include knowing the full scope of the crisis, confirming the crisis is over, ensuring the crisis does not return, having the right priorities, and being careful when making forecasts and projections. The article is available at

    He said the decision by some states to begin reopening their economies “appears to be based more on hope than science — and could lead to the further spread of COVID-19. Adding to the pressure to return to normal, some workers have staged protests, insisting their governments restart their economies or rescind social distancing mandates. That’s like hospital patients demanding to go home after a major operation before doctors say it is prudent and safe for them to be released.”

    Segal observed that, “In any crisis, it is important to get back to normal as soon as it is appropriate to do so. In this national public health emergency, people must truly believe it is safe again to leave their homes before they will be confident about going back to work or to their favorite restaurants and stores — no matter how many ‘we’re open for business’ signs they might see.”

    About Edward Segal

    Edward Segal is the author of the new book on crisis management — Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey). It is now available as an ebook and will be released as a paperback on June 16. They can be ordered at at

    Segal’s advice and observations on crisis management are based on his 30+ years as a crisis management and public relations consultant, journalist, and CEO of two trade associations. He is the former marketing strategies columnist for The Wall Street Journal’s and the author of two public relations handbooks.

    For more information about Segal, visit or contact him at

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