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    The shark-infested ocean on the cover of Crisis Ahead comes to life in this unique animated image of Edward Segal’s latest book. The short video repeats every few seconds with a great white shark jumping up to grab the wobbly “D”.

    Crisis Ahead by Edward Segal Book Cover. 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back From Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies.


    in today's business world

    Crisis Ahead includes 101 strategies, tactics, and techniques to help businesses and organizations prepare for, manage, and recover from even the toughest and most devastating crises.

    “With real-time social media available to billions of people, a crisis is just one tweet or YouTube video away. However, when something does occur that has potential to affect your reputation, ‘no comment’ is not a savvy response. Crisis Ahead prepares you for effectively managing threats to your business. It’s your guide to the strategies and tactics of effective real-time communications. Read it so you will be ready when (not if) a crisis hits your organization.”

    “Having dealt with a crisis or two and maybe causing a few on my own, I appreciate Edward Segal’s primer on how to prepare for and respond to a crisis. Every organization, business,, or political candidate will face some sort of crisis. It is inevitable and probably unavoidable. But there are successful strategies, tactics, and techniques for dealing with crisis situations, and Segal presents them here clearly and succinctly with his memorable “10 Rs of crisis management” and useful guidance on how communicators can rise to the challenges they will face.”

    Crisis Ahead is the ultimate and invaluable survival guide for business executives who are knee-deep in a crisis and a handy reference book for company officials who want to prepare for the inevitable. Edward Segal helps you assess your readiness to handle a crisis and provides a practical handbook — packed with exciting real-world examples that required real-world solutions— for crisis communication planning everyone can benefit from. Edward’s conversational writing style makes Crisis Ahead a quick and easy read and its innovative design ensures you can immediately find the advice and information you need before, during, or after a crisis.”

    “Is your business confronting a product recall or allegations of sexual misconduct? You’ll gain valuable advice on how to respond in Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead. Hit by a cyberattack? He walks you through that, too. A wide range of crises from a wayward CEO to a natural disaster to a shooting incident are covered here. Keep this book close. You never know when your crisis will strike.”

    “In Crisis Ahead, Edward Segal puts his wealth of experience and knowledge about crisis management and communication at your fingertips. He has written a lively, engaging, and practical handbook that provides invaluable insights and advice for preventing, managing, and recovering from dozens of crisis situations. Crisis Ahead is like having your own personal crisis management expert available and on call 24/7.”

    “Crisis Ahead is the one book every CEO and other company officials should have in easy reach on their desks before, during, and after a disaster, scandal, or other emergency strikes. This is a quick and easy read with important advice and insights for anyone who helps lead or manage a business or organization. Don’t wait until there is a crisis to figure out how to respond and recover from it. Do yourself and your organization a big favor and start reading Crisis Ahead today.”

    “Great CEOs know the importance of contingency planning. They are ready for the crisis before it strikes. Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead provides a practical and realistic guide that reflects his diverse background as a PR consultant, CEO, corporate spokesperson, journalist, and astute observer of how others have responded to a variety of crisis situations. Edward is an authority on crisis management whose deep knowledge and extensive expertise is on full display in Crisis Ahead. All CEOs, managers, and boards of directors should read it as soon as possible.”

    "Associations and nonprofit organizations sometime wrongly believe they are immune from a crisis, or that its impact will be minimal. It is not difficult to find news about organizations that have had to deal with million dollar embezzlements, violations of the law (“We didn’t know”) or a death at their planned event. Having a crisis response plan and resources is critical for survival for leaders, staff, and boards of directors. Crisis Ahead, and the expertise and examples provided by author Edward Segal, are valuable tools.”

    “I know from my experience and research that proactive planning is critical in order for companies and organizations to successfully weather a crisis and come out even stronger on the other side. The bad news is that crises are inevitable. The good news is that in Crisis Ahead Edward Segal provides the protocols that are necessary to help ensure the survival of a business and the resiliency of its brand.”

    “Edward Segal's newest book is nothing short of crisis management gold. It is the smart, straight-forward, comprehensive, “how to” guide you need to get ready for and manage the unexpected and the unthinkable. Crisis Ahead is the one-stop, go-to reference guide on crisis management for anyone who starts, runs, or helps lead any business or organization. Why put your company or organization at risk by ignoring or denying problems that can impact your reputation, operations, and bottom line? By following Edward’s comprehensive and practical advice, you can have the confidence and peace of mind that you are as ready as you can be for any crisis and can bounce back from it as soon as possible.”

    “In my book A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback, I write that “In every journey to success you will experience setbacks, and those setbacks often come in the form of a crisis! And those who win, are those who are able to turn those crisis moments into spectacular comebacks!” Edward Segal is a battle-tested crisis management expert who had spent years in the trenches dealing with scores of crisis situations and providing advice and counsel to organizations who have found themselves in the fire pit of crisis. In this new book, Crisis Ahead, he shares his time tested secrets to help you turn your setbacks (crisis moments) into stellar comebacks and help you WIN!”

    “Is your business confronting a product recall or allegations of sexual misconduct? You’ll gain valuable advice on how to respond in Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead. Hit by a cyberattack? He walks you through that, too. A wide range of crises from a wayward CEO to a natural disaster to a shooting incident are covered here. Keep this book close. You never know when your crisis will strike.”

    “In an age of constant crisis, everyone needs to think differently and garner new skills. Think like legendary broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow, act like a social media guru, lead like General Patton, take risks like Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Ernie Pyle, and understand human motivations like the Dalai Lama. Crisis Ahead adroitly leads you on that path to being a patient teacher and visionary for your company or organization.”

    Crisis Ahead, Edward Segal’s dynamic guide to survival when a disaster strikes your company or organization, is a much-needed wake-up call that can help you avoid or recover from a wide range of unexpected events. It features a ‘book within a book’ (see Chapter 6) that takes the reader on a fascinating journey via case studies about the crises experienced by some of the biggest corporations (think Boeing and Sears), celebrities, and high-profile individuals (Kevin Spacey, Leslie Moonves, and more). Each case study quickly captures your attention, gets to the heart of the crisis, and summarizes how well or poorly they were managed. Crisis Ahead is a practical tool for leaders and managers that takes you on an entertaining and educational journey. It is a timely and welcome reminder about the value of having a plan of action and mapping out appropriate responses for overcoming any crisis that your business could face. I only wish this book had been available in the aftermath of a deadly and destructive earthquake that I went through in California several years ago. Segal’s advice and insights would have made my road to recovery from this crisis — a natural disaster — that much easier."

    “If you are a leader of any type of organization, then Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead is a must-have. In this book, he lays out potential scenarios, lessons, and best practices for responding to dozens of different crisis scenarios. He begins with a vulnerability questionnaire that forces you to stop and think about all the things that could easily become a crisis in a minute’s time, and his crisis scenarios provide a reality check about how prepared you are to deal with them. He then walks you through how to prepare a crisis plan. Segal presents this critical information in an easy to follow format. He shares dozens of in-depth examples of different crises that organizations have endured and provides valuable advice on how to handle similar situations. I will provide copies of Crisis Ahead to the companies I work with to help them prepare to deal with natural disasters. Any executive who wants to learn how to avoid, manage and recover from a crisis will find Segal’s ideas and suggestions invaluable.”

    “This book is a must-read for anyone who might deal with a organizational or company crisis at some point in their career. WARNING: a crisis will happen to all of us...we just don't know when. Edward Segal's Crisis Ahead: 101 Way to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters. Scandals, and Other Emergencies is not just another book on crisis communications, it's an engaging A-to-Z road map on how to avoid a crisis early on, and when faced with one, it offers thought-provoking and real-life examples of how to engage all stake-holders that can help the organization survive (even thrive after) the crisis. This book will also help prepare a CEO and internal teams to know what to look for and ask when considering outside counsel from a crisis communications firm.”

    David Meerman Scott

    Marketing strategist, entrepreneur, and bestselling author of 11 books
    Including The New Rules of Marketing and PR

    Mike McCurry

    Former State Department and White House Spokesman (1993-1998)
    Professor/Director, Wesley Theological Seminary

    Mitchell E. Marovitz, Ph.D., APR, Fellow PRSA, Chair, Public Relations Program

    Business and Management Department, \The Graduate School
    University of Maryland Global Campus

    John H. Graham IV, former FASAE, CAE

    President and CEO, American Society of Association Executives: The Center for Association Leadership

    Karen Friedman

    Karen Friedman Enterprises Author, “Shut Up And Say Something!”,
    “Ordinary People: Extraordinary Lessons”

    Arnold Sanow

    Author, “Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere”

    Jerry Matthews

    Author, Reach Zenith: The 10 Intangible Skills of Great CEOs

    Bob Harris, CAE

    The Nonprofit Center

    Sweta Chakraborty, Ph.D.

    Risk and Behavioral Scientist
    Millennium Leadership Fellow, The Atlantic Council

    David Nellis

    Principal, Executive Creative Director
    Return on Investment marketing and communication agency

    Dr. Willie Jolley

    Hall of Fame Speaker
    Bestselling author, A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback & An Attitude of Excellence
    Nationally Syndicated Radio & TV Personality

    Ed Barks

    President, Barks Communications
    Author, A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications and The Truth About Public Speaking

    Richard Levick, Esq.

    Chairman & CEO, LEVICK, the global crisis communications agency;
    author of The Communicators: Leadership in the Age of Crisis and other books

    Pat "Ziggy" Zicarelli, GRI, CRS

    Past President, California Association of REALTORS®
    2020 National Association of REALTORS® Liaison to the REALTOR® Party Political Action Committee

    Coni K Meyers, LMC, CBLC, CDC

    Kickbutt Leadership Visionary & Mentor Four-time International Best-Selling Author of Crystalline Moments, Success Chronicles, Resilience in the Storm, and Conceived to Lead

    Danny Selnick

    Communication Consultant and Former Executive of Two Press Release News Wire Services

    Listen to Edward Segal’s
    Crisis Management Minute podcast

    About Crisis Ahead

    Three Key Questions
    How many splashy scandals and crisis situations have befallen companies and public figures in the past week alone? How did the organizations and people at the center of those crises manage the situation? Did they survive with their reputations intact or are they facing an ongoing public nightmare that keeps building on itself in the era of social media?

    When, Not If, a Crisis Will Hit
    This new book from veteran public relations expert Edward Segal is based on the following premise: it's not a matter of IF a scandal or crisis will hit, it's WHEN. How a company deals with it will have lasting impact on their reputation, profits, and more. But for most organizations, when a crisis hits, they're caught off guard and ill-prepared.

    The Coronavirus Pandemic
    Crisis Ahead includes a discussion of the early crisis management lessons that can be learned from how the government is responding to the pandemic national health emergency and how to deliver bad news to employees about the impact the pandemic is having on companies and organizations.

    Test Your Crisis Plan
    While essential, crisis plans are worthless unless properly executed, as the stories and examples featured throughout Crisis Ahead attest. Edward Segal's vivid and memorable accounts underscore the benefits of practicing and updating crisis plans at least once a year. The book also provides a template for creating a customizable crisis management plan.

    Who Should Read Crisis Ahead
    Crisis Ahead is for CEOs, senior staff, corporate communication professionals, HR and legal teams, boards of directors, and front-line employees who need to know what to do in the moment: what levers to pull and what moves to make in real time when faced with a crisis, scandal, or disaster.

    The Need for Speed
    This book is written with the need for speed in mind. It's concise and practical with a light touch and occasional humor to help people on the front lines prepare for, survive, and bounce back from a crisis.

    Stories about Apple, Disney, Starbucks, and More
    Crisis Ahead includes dozens of anecdotes, stories, and lessons about how companies, organizations, and individuals - ranging from Amazon, Apple, and the European Union, to Disney, Starbucks, and entrepreneur Elon Musk - have prepared for, created, managed, and communicated about crisis situations.

    Listen to Edward Segal’s Crisis Management Minute podcast


    “With real-time social media available to billions of people, a crisis is just one tweet or YouTube video away. However, when something does occur that has potential to affect your reputation, ‘no comment’ is not a savvy response. Crisis Ahead prepares you for effectively managing threats to your business. It’s your guide to the strategies and tactics of effective real-time communications. Read it so you will be ready when (not if) a crisis hits your organization.”

    David Meerman Scott

    Marketing strategist, entrepreneur, and bestselling author of 11 books

    Including The New Rules of Marketing and PR

    “Having dealt with a crisis or two and maybe causing a few on my own, I appreciate Edward Segal’s primer on how to prepare for and respond to a crisis. Every organization, business,, or political candidate will face some sort of crisis. It is inevitable and probably unavoidable. But there are successful strategies, tactics, and techniques for dealing with crisis situations, and Segal presents them here clearly and succinctly with his memorable “10 Rs of crisis management” and useful guidance on how communicators can rise to the challenges they will face.”

    Mike McCurry

    Former State Department and White House Spokesman (1993-1998)
    Professor/Director, Wesley Theological Seminary

    Crisis Ahead is the ultimate and invaluable survival guide for business executives who are knee-deep in a crisis and a handy reference book for company officials who want to prepare for the inevitable. Edward Segal helps you assess your readiness to handle a crisis and provides a practical handbook — packed with exciting real-world examples that required real-world solutions— for crisis communication planning everyone can benefit from. Edward’s conversational writing style makes Crisis Ahead a quick and easy read and its innovative design ensures you can immediately find the advice and information you need before, during, or after a crisis.”

    Mitchell E. Marovitz, Ph.D., APR, Fellow PRSA, Chair, Public Relations Program

    Business and Management Department, \The Graduate School

    University of Maryland Global Campus

    “Is your business confronting a product recall or allegations of sexual misconduct? You’ll gain valuable advice on how to respond in Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead. Hit by a cyberattack? He walks you through that, too. A wide range of crises from a wayward CEO to a natural disaster to a shooting incident are covered here. Keep this book close. You never know when your crisis will strike.”

    John H. Graham IV, FASAE, CAE

    President and CEO, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership

    “In Crisis Ahead, Edward Segal puts his wealth of experience and knowledge about crisis management and communication at your fingertips. He has written a lively, engaging, and practical handbook that provides invaluable insights and advice for preventing, managing, and recovering from dozens of crisis situations. Crisis Ahead is like having your own personal crisis management expert available and on call 24/7.”

    Karen Friedman

    Karen Friedman Enterprises

    Author, “Shut Up And Say Something!”,
    “Ordinary People: Extraordinary Lessons”

    “Crisis Ahead is the one book every CEO and other company officials should have in easy reach on their desks before, during, and after a disaster, scandal, or other emergency strikes. This is a quick and easy read with important advice and insights for anyone who helps lead or manage a business or organization. Don’t wait until there is a crisis to figure out how to respond and recover from it. Do yourself and your organization a big favor and start reading Crisis Ahead today.”

    Arnold Sanow

    Author, “Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere”

    “Great CEOs know the importance of contingency planning. They are ready for the crisis before it strikes. Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead provides a practical and realistic guide that reflects his diverse background as a PR consultant, CEO, corporate spokesperson, journalist, and astute observer of how others have responded to a variety of crisis situations. Edward is an authority on crisis management whose deep knowledge and extensive expertise is on full display in Crisis Ahead. All CEOs, managers, and boards of directors should read it as soon as possible.”

    Jerry Matthews

    Author, Reach Zenith: The 10 Intangible Skills of Great CEOs

    “Associations and nonprofit organizations sometime wrongly believe they are immune from a crisis, or that its impact will be minimal. It is not difficult to find news about organizations that have had to deal with million dollar embezzlements, violations of the law (“We didn’t know”) or a death at their planned event. Having a crisis response plan and resources is critical for survival for leaders, staff, and boards of directors. Crisis Ahead, and the expertise and examples provided by author Edward Segal, are valuable tools.”

    Bob Harris, CAE

    The Nonprofit Center

    “I know from my experience and research that proactive planning is critical in order for companies and organizations to successfully weather a crisis and come out even stronger on the other side. The bad news is that crises are inevitable. The good news is that in Crisis Ahead Edward Segal provides the protocols that are necessary to help ensure the survival of a business and the resiliency of its brand.”

    Sweta Chakraborty, Ph.D.

    Risk and Behavioral Scientist

    Millennium Leadership Fellow, The Atlantic Council

    ‘Edward Segal's newest book is nothing short of crisis management gold. It is the smart, straight-forward, comprehensive, “how to” guide you need to get ready for and manage the unexpected and the unthinkable. Crisis Ahead is the one-stop, go-to reference guide on crisis management for anyone who starts, runs, or helps lead any business or organization. Why put your company or organization at risk by ignoring or denying problems that can impact your reputation, operations, and bottom line? By following Edward’s comprehensive and practical advice, you can have the confidence and peace of mind that you are as ready as you can be for any crisis and can bounce back from it as soon as possible.”

    David Nellis

    Principal, Executive Creative Director

    Return on Investment marketing and communication agency

    “In my book A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback, I write that “In every journey to success you will experience setbacks, and those setbacks often come in the form of a crisis! And those who win, are those who are able to turn those crisis moments into spectacular comebacks!” Edward Segal is a battle-tested crisis management expert who had spent years in the trenches dealing with scores of crisis situations and providing advice and counsel to organizations who have found themselves in the fire pit of crisis. In this new book, Crisis Ahead, he shares his time tested secrets to help you turn your setbacks (crisis moments) into stellar comebacks and help you WIN!”

    Dr. Willie Jolley

    Hall of Fame Speaker
    Bestselling author, A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback & An Attitude of Excellence
    Nationally Syndicated Radio & TV Personality

    “Is your business confronting a product recall or allegations of sexual misconduct? You’ll gain valuable advice on how to respond in Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead. Hit by a cyberattack? He walks you through that, too. A wide range of crises from a wayward CEO to a natural disaster to a shooting incident are covered here. Keep this book close. You never know when your crisis will strike.”

    Ed Barks

    President, Barks Communications
    Author, A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications and The Truth About Public Speaking

    “In an age of constant crisis, everyone needs to think differently and garner new skills. Think like legendary broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow, act like a social media guru, lead like General Patton, take risks like Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Ernie Pyle, and understand human motivations like the Dalai Lama. Crisis Ahead adroitly leads you on that path to being a patient teacher and visionary for your company or organization.”

    Richard Levick, Esq.

    Chairman & CEO, LEVICK, the global crisis communications agency;
    author of The Communicators: Leadership in the Age of Crisis and other books

    Crisis Ahead, Edward Segal’s dynamic guide to survival when a disaster strikes your company or organization, is a much-needed wake-up call that can help you avoid or recover from a wide range of unexpected events. It features a ‘book within a book’ (see Chapter 6) that takes the reader on a fascinating journey via case studies about the crises experienced by some of the biggest corporations (think Boeing and Sears), celebrities, and high-profile individuals (Kevin Spacey, Leslie Moonves, and more). Each case study quickly captures your attention, gets to the heart of the crisis, and summarizes how well or poorly they were managed. Crisis Ahead is a practical tool for leaders and managers that takes you on an entertaining and educational journey. It is a timely and welcome reminder about the value of having a plan of action and mapping out appropriate responses for overcoming any crisis that your business could face. I only wish this book had been available in the aftermath of a deadly and destructive earthquake that I went through in California several years ago. Segal’s advice and insights would have made my road to recovery from this crisis — a natural disaster — that much easier. “

    Pat "Ziggy" Zicarelli, GRI, CRS

    Past President, California Association of REALTORS®

    2020 National Association of REALTORS® Liaison to the REALTOR® Party Political Action Committee

    “If you are a leader of any type of organization, then Edward Segal’s Crisis Ahead is a must-have. In this book, he lays out potential scenarios, lessons, and best practices for responding to dozens of different crisis scenarios. He begins with a vulnerability questionnaire that forces you to stop and think about all the things that could easily become a crisis in a minute’s time, and his crisis scenarios provide a reality check about how prepared you are to deal with them. He then walks you through how to prepare a crisis plan. Segal presents this critical information in an easy to follow format. He shares dozens of in-depth examples of different crises that organizations have endured and provides valuable advice on how to handle similar situations. I will provide copies of Crisis Ahead to the companies I work with to help them prepare to deal with natural disasters. Any executive who wants to learn how to avoid, manage and recover from a crisis will find Segal’s ideas and suggestions invaluable.”

    Coni K Meyers, LMC, CBLC, CDC

    Kickbutt Leadership Visionary & Mentor Four-time International Best-Selling Author of Crystalline Moments, Success Chronicles, Resilience in the Storm, and Conceived to Lead

    “This book is a must-read for anyone who might deal with a organizational or company crisis at some point in their career. WARNING: a crisis will happen to all of us...we just don't know when. Edward Segal's Crisis Ahead: 101 Way to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters. Scandals, and Other Emergencies is not just another book on crisis communications, it's an engaging A-to-Z road map on how to avoid a crisis early on, and when faced with one, it offers thought-provoking and real-life examples of how to engage all stake-holders that can help the organization survive (even thrive after) the crisis. This book will also help prepare a CEO and internal teams to know what to look for and ask when considering outside counsel from a crisis communications firm.”

    Danny Selnick

    Communication Consultant and Former Executive of Two Press Release News Wire Services

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